MCI-API Connect
Marketing Cloud Intelligence

Marketing Cloud Intelligence: API Connector

Business Case: The user wants to configure his Marketing Cloud data through Marketing Cloud Intelligence and a...

Marketing Cloud Intelligence
Marketing Cloud Intelligence

Marketing Cloud Intelligence: Data Model and Data Stream Types

In the previous blog, we deep-dived into dimension and measurement before you get an understanding of the Data...

Marketing Cloud intelligence
Marketing Cloud Intelligence

Marketing Cloud Intelligence: Dimension and Measurement

Measurement and Dimension Roles in the Marketing Cloud To apply the data model, you need to categorize it into...

Content Approvals
Marketing Cloud

Managing content with Content Builder Approvals

Overview Implement Content Approval to ensure that the email content created is reviewed and approved before i...

Einstein Engagement Scoring
Marketing Cloud

How to use the Einstein with Scoring Split activity?

Overview Einstein Engagement Scoring is a tool that uses machine learning to predict how likely a contact is t...

Einstein Engagement frequency
Marketing Cloud

Einstein Engagement Frequency: A New Way to Optimize Your Email Marketing

Overview Marketing Cloud has a feature called Einstein Engagement Frequency Split that can help mitigate the r...

Einstein STO
Marketing Cloud

A Step-by-Step Guide on Setting Up and Using Einstein STO (Send Time Optimization)

Introduction Marketing Cloud Einstein Sent Time Optimization uses an Einstein machine learning algorithm to de...

Personalization in the Marketing Cloud
Marketing Cloud Personalisation

Implementation Techniques for Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization (Interaction Studio)

An excellent platform to have in your arsenal of marketing tools is Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization...

Marketing Cloud

Sync EmailOpt-out value from CRM to SFMC in All Subscriber list

Business Case In scenarios wherein a Subscriber calls/emails the sales or support team requesting them to be u...

Multi-Org Connector
Marketing Cloud

Multi-Org Connector

The salesforce default behavior is that all the child BUs will not be required to have a separate integration ...